22. How Bad is My Batch? – Part 2

Bad Pfizer Vaccine Batches Account for 4.2% of doses but 71% of Serious Adverse Events!

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By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH


I am routinely asked: why are so many people who took the COVID-19 vaccines apparently fine while others are suffering heart damage, strokes, blood clots and are ending up disabled or dead? It has been suspected for many months that there may be variations in vaccine lots or batches that could partially explain these observations. In other words, not everyone is getting the same dose of mRNA.


Under Emergency Use Authorization, the vaccine companies and their subcontractors do not have any inspections of the final filled and finished vials. This is unprecedented for a widely used product of any type. It is possible that lipid nanoparticles aggregate in suspension and so some batches may contain more mRNA than others. Likewise, since lot size has varied over time, it is possible that contaminants from the manufacturing process may be concentrated in some smaller lots compared to larger ones. Finally, there may be product transport, storage, and use factors that denature mRNA including heating, air injected into vials, and multiple needles dipped into the suspension.


The contaminant issue came to light as Japan returned millions of doses when visible debris was seen in the bottom of the vials. Additionally, since metallic beads are used by the biodefense contactors, it is possible that smaller initial lots could have had magnetic debris that explained “magnetism” in the arm where the shot was given as reported early in the vaccine campaign.


A report from Schmeling and coworkers using Pfizer BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine found that 71% of serious adverse events came from 4.2% of doses (high risk batches) conversely <1% of these events came from 32.1% of doses (low risk batches). The variation explained for the high and moderate risk batches was 78 and 89%, respectively. Thus as more doses were given out of those vials, the greater the number of side effects were reported. This means that the majority of risk is in the shot and not the person who received it.

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  • These are critically important results.
  • They imply the COVID-19 vaccine debacle is indeed a product problem and not due to patient susceptibility in most circumstances.
  • Additionally, the lack of inspections has led to a safety disaster.
  • Some unfortunate patients are getting too much mRNA, contaminants, or both and,
  • thus are exposed to damaging and in some cases, lethal injections.

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Dr. Thomas Lewis

Dr. Thomas Lewis

Dr. Thomas J. Lewis holds a Ph.D. from MIT and certifications in toxicology and nutrition from the Harvard School of Public Health. He obtained the majority of his training in health from Harvard Medical School professors Kilmer S. McCully, M.D., and Clement L. Trempe., M.D.

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