Dr. Thomas Lewis – Vaccine Injury https://spikeinjured.com Vaccine Injury Solutions Sun, 14 May 2023 17:49:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 25. Treatment of Secondary Bacterial Infections in Long-Haul and Vaccine Injury https://spikeinjured.com/biaxin/ https://spikeinjured.com/biaxin/#respond Sun, 14 May 2023 17:31:13 +0000 https://vaxxinjured.net/?p=2663 25. Treatment of Secondary Bacterial Infections in Long-Haul and Vaccine Injury Read More »


I authored a peer-reviewed paper at the beginning of the COVID outbreak which was published in May of 2020.  The key thesis of this paper was (and continues to be) that SARS / COVID / Spike drive inflammation and severely worsen co-morbidities in many cases.


With respect to the jab, the variations may be due to the lot you received.


The image below is a summary of our thesis. Click on the image for a link to that paper.


The thesis is, most major comorbidities have undetected pathogens (bacterial, viral, or others) associated with them. The spike, in any form, exacerbates any harm these infections are silently causing.


Relationship between infection, comorbidities, and risk of dying from the Spike protein.

Below is a brief video excerpt from www.thehighwire.com


(click the image of Del & Dr. Bartlett below for the 2 minute video excerpt) 




The focus is on using Biaxin (clarithromycin) by Dr. Richard Bartlett as a treatment for lung infections. This was used in conjunction with budesonide to save lives and prevent the need for ventilators.


In many vaccine-injured and long-haul covid sufferers, Biaxin may see the continued value. It is an antibiotic but has anti-inflammatory properties and lowers many cytokines associated with COVID, long-haul, and possibly the spike protein.


My partner at Harvard Medical School, Clement L. Trempe, and I wrote a patent on using Biaxin and tetracyclines to treat a wide range of stealth infections, including Lyme disease and chlamydia pneumoniae.


Here is the link to that patent for those interested in a deeper dive into the treatment modes of action.




At vaxxinjured.net we offer a solution. It is our weekly support group that provides you with hope. There is a small fee. However, if you are financially strapped, let us know and we will make appropriate adjustments.


Vaccine Injured Support

Dr. Thomas Lewis

Dr. Thomas Lewis

Dr. Thomas J. Lewis holds a Ph.D. from MIT and certifications in toxicology and nutrition from the Harvard School of Public Health. He obtained the majority of his training in health from Harvard Medical School professors Kilmer S. McCully, M.D., and Clement L. Trempe., M.D.
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24. Dropping Like Flies https://spikeinjured.com/dyingsuddenly/ https://spikeinjured.com/dyingsuddenly/#respond Fri, 12 May 2023 13:06:41 +0000 https://vaxxinjured.net/?p=2639 24. Dropping Like Flies Read More »


The Truth for Health Foundation is a regular contributor to the C19D (covid truthful information) feed I receive through email. Among other important information,


“Truth for Health Foundation announces new Citizens’ Vaccine Injury Reporting System”


https://www.truthforhealth.org/vaccine-injury-report/ At a news conference held on Wednesday April 13 at noon ET, Truth For Health Foundation announced the launch of a global Citizens Vaccine Injury Reporting System (CVIRS)TM –in English, Spanish, and Chinese—for those harmed by the Emergency Use Authorized.

Typical feed from the C19D group

Here are some links about people who died suddenly or unexpected became ill.


Military Cadets, Mandated to be Fully COVID-19 Vaccinated, Are Dying Suddenly Recently
39-Year-Old Alberta Pilot for WestJet Airlines Died Suddenly on March 17, 2023
Healthy, young doctor in the United Kingdom died from a rare reaction to AstraZenecas COVID-19 vaccine
XFL has two deaths occur within weeks of each other in Texas. ‘Unrelated, tragic losses’
French school board pleads for privacy after death of student
Young chefs are dying suddenly and unexpectedly


23-year-old daughter dies after Pfizer vaccine



A 14-year-old Japanese girl died unexpectedly 2 days after receiving the third dose of the BNT1262b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.


A 19-year-old second-year college student died Monday after suffering an “unspecified medical emergency”


Mandating experimental mRNA vaccines with no long-term safety data was CRIMINAL.



Tributes paid to 21yo Daniel Donnan who died within days of cancer diagnosis



A 39 Year Old Alberta Pilot for WestJet Airlines Died Suddenly on March 17, 2023



Off-duty pilot flying as passenger takes over plane after captain becomes incapacitated mid flight



35-year-old three-time Olympian winner dies unexpectedly….He died of a heart attack in Dallas, Texas.



A 10 year old Canadian hockey player died suddenly


MIT Department of Mathematics instructor dies at 29 while playing basketball on campus.
United Airlines flight diverted on March.11, 2023 due to “incapacitated pilot” who had chest pains
Virgin Australia first officer suffered heart attack 30 minutes after departure
Veteran British Airways pilot collapses and dies of a heart attack
Battlehawks athletic trainer dies at team hotel

At vaxxinjured.net we offer a solution. It is our weekly support group that provides you with hope. There is a small fee. However, if you are financially strapped, let us know and we will make appropriate adjustments.


Vaccine Injured Support

Dr. Thomas Lewis

Dr. Thomas Lewis

Dr. Thomas J. Lewis holds a Ph.D. from MIT and certifications in toxicology and nutrition from the Harvard School of Public Health. He obtained the majority of his training in health from Harvard Medical School professors Kilmer S. McCully, M.D., and Clement L. Trempe., M.D.
https://spikeinjured.com/dyingsuddenly/feed/ 0
23. U.S. Approves First 3 COVID Vaccine Injury Claims https://spikeinjured.com/vaxclaims/ https://spikeinjured.com/vaxclaims/#respond Fri, 14 Apr 2023 19:22:28 +0000 https://vaxxinjured.net/?p=2631 23. U.S. Approves First 3 COVID Vaccine Injury Claims Read More »


And Pays Out a Total of $4,634.89 – You cannot make this up!


Is there anything more insulting that the Feds have done than this?

Click to access site

By Children’s Health Defense

The Health and Resources Service Administration (HRSA) vaccine injury claims report, updated monthly, shows one $2,019.55 payment for anaphylaxis and two payments — $1,582.65 and $1,032.69 — for myocarditis.

The payments were made through HRSA’s Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP).

The CICP was established under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act, which protects pharmaceutical companies from liability for injuries sustained from “countermeasures,” such as vaccines and medications, administered during a public health emergency.

Since 2010, when it approved its first claim, the program has compensated a total of 33 claims for vaccine injuries — but these are the first awards for COVID-19 vaccines.

“These long-awaited awards were overdue, highly anticipated and speculated upon,” said Kim Mack Rosenberg, acting general counsel for Children’s Health Defense (CHD). “What is remarkable is that less than $5,000 was paid — total. This is a tragedy that highlights the severe limitations of the program.”

CHD Acting President Laura Bono called the payouts for myocarditis “insulting,” given that mortality rates increase to 50% within five years of diagnosis.

Bono said:

“The CICP is a pathetic, government-run program that gives complete liability protection to the very industries profiting from the COVID vaccine or product. While victims linger with their injuries, paying out-of-pocket for expenses, or at worst die, the industries run to the bank.”

Since the start of the pandemic, people claiming injuries related to COVID-19 vaccines and other countermeasures submitted 11,425 requests for compensation.

Of those, only 19 have been declared eligible for compensation and are undergoing a “medical benefits review” to determine payment.

The anaphylaxis case had been pending medical benefits review since the fall of 2021, and the two myocarditis cases had been pending review since January.

During the medical benefits review, HRSA determines any costs remaining after insurance, workers’ comp, disability or other reimbursements or payments.

Wayne Rohde, an expert in vaccine injury compensation, wrote on his Substack that given the “18+ months to review previous medical benefits that may have been awarded to the injured party [the anaphylaxis case], this process tells me it was a major injury that resulted in very large medical bills.”

Myocarditis is a serious condition that also requires a lot of medical attention, Rohde said.

To date, there have been 1,541,275 reports of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

At vaxxinjured.net we offer a solution. It is our weekly support group that provides you with hope. There is a small fee. However, if you are financially strapped, let us know and we will make appropriate adjustments.


Vaccine Injured Support

Dr. Thomas Lewis

Dr. Thomas Lewis

Dr. Thomas J. Lewis holds a Ph.D. from MIT and certifications in toxicology and nutrition from the Harvard School of Public Health. He obtained the majority of his training in health from Harvard Medical School professors Kilmer S. McCully, M.D., and Clement L. Trempe., M.D.
https://spikeinjured.com/vaxclaims/feed/ 0
22. How Bad is My Batch? – Part 2 https://spikeinjured.com/badbatch2/ https://spikeinjured.com/badbatch2/#respond Thu, 13 Apr 2023 16:14:12 +0000 https://vaxxinjured.net/?p=2623 22. How Bad is My Batch? – Part 2 Read More »


Bad Pfizer Vaccine Batches Account for 4.2% of doses but 71% of Serious Adverse Events!

This is a site with a wealth of information on “vaccine” injury.





Click to access site

By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH


I am routinely asked: why are so many people who took the COVID-19 vaccines apparently fine while others are suffering heart damage, strokes, blood clots and are ending up disabled or dead? It has been suspected for many months that there may be variations in vaccine lots or batches that could partially explain these observations. In other words, not everyone is getting the same dose of mRNA.


Under Emergency Use Authorization, the vaccine companies and their subcontractors do not have any inspections of the final filled and finished vials. This is unprecedented for a widely used product of any type. It is possible that lipid nanoparticles aggregate in suspension and so some batches may contain more mRNA than others. Likewise, since lot size has varied over time, it is possible that contaminants from the manufacturing process may be concentrated in some smaller lots compared to larger ones. Finally, there may be product transport, storage, and use factors that denature mRNA including heating, air injected into vials, and multiple needles dipped into the suspension.


The contaminant issue came to light as Japan returned millions of doses when visible debris was seen in the bottom of the vials. Additionally, since metallic beads are used by the biodefense contactors, it is possible that smaller initial lots could have had magnetic debris that explained “magnetism” in the arm where the shot was given as reported early in the vaccine campaign.


A report from Schmeling and coworkers using Pfizer BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine found that 71% of serious adverse events came from 4.2% of doses (high risk batches) conversely <1% of these events came from 32.1% of doses (low risk batches). The variation explained for the high and moderate risk batches was 78 and 89%, respectively. Thus as more doses were given out of those vials, the greater the number of side effects were reported. This means that the majority of risk is in the shot and not the person who received it.

Click on Image to Access Research Paper

  • These are critically important results.
  • They imply the COVID-19 vaccine debacle is indeed a product problem and not due to patient susceptibility in most circumstances.
  • Additionally, the lack of inspections has led to a safety disaster.
  • Some unfortunate patients are getting too much mRNA, contaminants, or both and,
  • thus are exposed to damaging and in some cases, lethal injections.

At vaxxinjured.net we offer a solution. It is our weekly support group that provides you with hope. There is a small fee. However, if you are financially strapped, let us know and we will make appropriate adjustments.


Vaccine Injured Support

Dr. Thomas Lewis

Dr. Thomas Lewis

Dr. Thomas J. Lewis holds a Ph.D. from MIT and certifications in toxicology and nutrition from the Harvard School of Public Health. He obtained the majority of his training in health from Harvard Medical School professors Kilmer S. McCully, M.D., and Clement L. Trempe., M.D.
https://spikeinjured.com/badbatch2/feed/ 0
24. The “Vax” Kills People – Steve Kirsch https://spikeinjured.com/vaxkills/ https://spikeinjured.com/vaxkills/#respond Fri, 07 Apr 2023 14:54:13 +0000 https://vaxxinjured.net/?p=2611 24. The “Vax” Kills People – Steve Kirsch Read More »


The Medicare records clearly show the vaccines are killing people.



Click to access column


  • The intervention had an unintended all-cause mortality effect when COVID wasn’t present (i.e., to kill people). (hmmm….. unintended?
  • For 2022, we still aren’t back to normal as there was a huge spike in Q1 of 2022, but after that, things are looking more normal, but the trough is still elevated by around 10% overall from our 5-year reference which would be consistent with a large fraction of the population being vaccine injured and more likely to die.
  • How do you explain the fact that the slope is negative in the early shots and is positive in the later shots? There is only one explanation that I’m aware of: the shots did not have the same contents over time.
  • Finally, if these shots were really safe and effective, the CDC would be publishing all the vax-death records from VSD, BEST, and Medicare to prove their point. It’s stunning that they go to great lengths to conceal the vaccination data of dead people, isn’t it?

At vaxxinjured.net we offer a solution. It is our weekly support group that provides you with hope. There is a small fee. However, if you are financially strapped, let us know and we will make appropriate adjustments.


Vaccine Injured Support

Dr. Thomas Lewis

Dr. Thomas Lewis

Dr. Thomas J. Lewis holds a Ph.D. from MIT and certifications in toxicology and nutrition from the Harvard School of Public Health. He obtained the majority of his training in health from Harvard Medical School professors Kilmer S. McCully, M.D., and Clement L. Trempe., M.D.
https://spikeinjured.com/vaxkills/feed/ 0
23. Early Treatment – For Vax Injured Too? https://spikeinjured.com/earlytreatment/ https://spikeinjured.com/earlytreatment/#comments Thu, 06 Apr 2023 12:54:11 +0000 https://vaxxinjured.net/?p=2603 23. Early Treatment – For Vax Injured Too? Read More »


Dr. McCullough developed the 4-Pillars approach to COVID treatment. The FLCCC team also developed early treatment methods. Both programs were actually safe and effective. Now, a new publication shows the value of Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin in reducing deaths and associated misery from COVID.




  • HCQ-AZ treatment was associated with a significantly lower mortality rate than no HCQ-AZ after adjustment for sex, age, period and patient care setting.
  • The effect was greater among outpatients (71% death protection rate) than among inpatients (45%)
  • In a subset of 16,063 patients with available comorbidities and vaccinations status, obesity (200% risk increase), chronic respiratory disease (300% risk increase), and immunodeficiency (400% risk increase), were independent factors associated with mortality.
  • HCQ, alone or in any association, was associated with significant protection from death among outpatients and inpatients.
  • Conclusions HCQ prescribed early or late protects in part from COVID-19-related death.
Click to access paper

Why would HCQ and Azithromycin be beneficial? The spike protein is NOT a bacterial infection – which is what Azithromycin treats. And, is COVID really a virus? That is what HCQ – in combination with zinc treats.

The spike protein, form any source: SARS-CoV-2, COVID, the Vax – all tie up immune bandwidth and make you more vulnerable to pre-existing infections. Do you have pre-existing infections? 


How do I know? When you die, you no longer interact with the environment yet you start decomposing from within. That’s why, upon death, you are shuttled to the undertaker. The pathogens are already there.

You immune system, particularly your white blood cells are never “zero.” They are always present maintaining control over stealth infections.

Proof that this is known is provided by the screenshot below. This shows the association between COVID and rise in bacterial infections.

Here is an article that links the spike protein to “overzealous inflammation” from bacterial infection.


  • If you are vax injured, get tested.
  • Get treated with what is already known to reduce severity of COVID and long-haul syndromes.
  • Do not fear an antibiotic regiment. It may provide you with some relief.
  • HCQ and ivermectin are safe and effective and anyone with long-term symptoms of the vax may benefit from taking these agents.
  • The above recommendations are for treatment phase 1. Look at the collection of blogs on this site for emerging recommendations.

At vaxxinjured.net we offer a solution. It is our weekly support group that provides you with hope. There is a small fee. However, if you are financially strapped, let us know and we will make appropriate adjustments.


Vaccine Injured Support

Dr. Thomas Lewis

Dr. Thomas Lewis

Dr. Thomas J. Lewis holds a Ph.D. from MIT and certifications in toxicology and nutrition from the Harvard School of Public Health. He obtained the majority of his training in health from Harvard Medical School professors Kilmer S. McCully, M.D., and Clement L. Trempe., M.D.
https://spikeinjured.com/earlytreatment/feed/ 2
22. How Bad is My Batch? https://spikeinjured.com/badbatch/ https://spikeinjured.com/badbatch/#respond Wed, 05 Apr 2023 16:38:31 +0000 https://vaxxinjured.net/?p=2596 22. How Bad is My Batch? Read More »


This is a site with a wealth of information on “vaccine” injury.





Click to access site

Over 100,000,000 visits as of today

At vaxxinjured.net we offer a solution. It is our weekly support group that provides you with hope. There is a small fee. However, if you are financially strapped, let us know and we will make appropriate adjustments.


Vaccine Injured Support

Dr. Thomas Lewis

Dr. Thomas Lewis

Dr. Thomas J. Lewis holds a Ph.D. from MIT and certifications in toxicology and nutrition from the Harvard School of Public Health. He obtained the majority of his training in health from Harvard Medical School professors Kilmer S. McCully, M.D., and Clement L. Trempe., M.D.
https://spikeinjured.com/badbatch/feed/ 0
21. Chelation Therapy Shows Promise https://spikeinjured.com/chelation/ https://spikeinjured.com/chelation/#respond Tue, 04 Apr 2023 13:46:40 +0000 https://vaxxinjured.net/?p=2587 21. Chelation Therapy Shows Promise Read More »


Darkfield Microscopy is a blood test in which we take a drop of blood and look at it immediately using a special form of lighting that allows us to see living cells without staining. It provides a look at overall health, microorganisms may be detected, distortions of red blood cells (can reflect nutritional status), and possibly undesirable bacterial or fungal life.

Click to see article

Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD reports that darkfield like blood microscopy show definite proof that EDTA chelation affects rapid positive changes in blood.


Dr. Mihalcea states:

“These structures in the blood, which I call Hydrogel/ Graphene, can be cleared effectively and rapidly.


I have advocated for the use of EDTA Chelation intravenously because I saw rapid and substantial changes in the blood.


My practice is an anti-aging clinic, so I additionally use peptides like Epithalon, which lengthens telomeres and repairs DNA to help reverse the accelerated aging symptoms often seen these days. The Vitamin C infusions and Epithalon are not necessary to use for decontamination of the blood, but they significantly help improve symptoms.


In addition to objective improvement of the blood, all patients had symptom improvement.”


To read the entire post from Dr. Mihalcea, click on the image above.

I have had:

*  Darkfield microscopy performed along with 

*  detailed blood tests, and a

*  Multifunction Cardiogram.

Each test painted the same picture of a small, but significant degree of vascular inflammation and decay. My point is that darkfield microscopy is a viable and accurate tool to measure the health of your blood and – by extension – your overall health.

The article that is linked through the image above shows several – before and after EDTA chelation – images that are quite compelling and indicate that the therapy works to clean up blood from the spike protein.

There is evidence in the peer-reviewed literature that EDA chelation therapy has a place in the treatment of COVID and possibly the “vax.”


Click on any of these titles to see the article. Hopefully we will see more articles in this area of research in the future.



SARS-CoV-2 attachment to host cells is possibly mediated via RGD-integrin interaction in a calcium-dependent manner and suggests pulmonary EDTA chelation therapy as a novel treatment for COVID 19


Why the lower reported prevalence of asthma in patients diagnosed with COVID-19 validates repurposing EDTA solutions to prevent and manage treat COVID-19 disease

At vaxxinjured.net we offer a solution. It is our weekly support group that provides you with hope. There is a small fee. However, if you are financially strapped, let us know and we will make appropriate adjustments.


Vaccine Injured Support

Dr. Thomas Lewis

Dr. Thomas Lewis

Dr. Thomas J. Lewis holds a Ph.D. from MIT and certifications in toxicology and nutrition from the Harvard School of Public Health. He obtained the majority of his training in health from Harvard Medical School professors Kilmer S. McCully, M.D., and Clement L. Trempe., M.D.
https://spikeinjured.com/chelation/feed/ 0
20. The Jabs Were NOT Created Equally https://spikeinjured.com/jabsnotthesame/ https://spikeinjured.com/jabsnotthesame/#respond Mon, 27 Mar 2023 15:16:50 +0000 https://vaxxinjured.net/?p=2557 20. The Jabs Were NOT Created Equally Read More »


Substantial Percentages of People Injured by the Jab: “Not Every Vial Is the Same”

• Roughly 15% are injured

• About 2.5% sustain heart damage

• 80% of the deaths with Pfizer come from 30% of the lots

• 80% of the deaths with Moderna come from 20% of the lots


Information provided by Dr. Peter McCullough

Click to see article

At vaxxinjured.net we offer a solution. It is our weekly support group that provides you with hope. There is a small fee. However, if you are financially strapped, let us know and we will make appropriate adjustments.


Vaccine Injured Support

Dr. Thomas Lewis

Dr. Thomas Lewis

Dr. Thomas J. Lewis holds a Ph.D. from MIT and certifications in toxicology and nutrition from the Harvard School of Public Health. He obtained the majority of his training in health from Harvard Medical School professors Kilmer S. McCully, M.D., and Clement L. Trempe., M.D.
https://spikeinjured.com/jabsnotthesame/feed/ 0
19. The Gut Bacteria That’s Missing in People Who Get Severe COVID https://spikeinjured.com/microbiome/ https://spikeinjured.com/microbiome/#respond Mon, 27 Mar 2023 12:21:11 +0000 https://vaxxinjured.net/?p=2551 19. The Gut Bacteria That’s Missing in People Who Get Severe COVID Read More »


Dr. Sabine Hazan is a gastroenterologist and CEO of Progenabiome. She is an expert on gut bacteria. When she started studying the microbiomes of COVID-19 patients, she quickly noticed a pattern.


“The people that had severe COVID lacked a certain bacteria called bifidobacteria,” she says.


In this episode, she breaks down how a healthy gut impacts people’s outcomes from COVID-19, and what steps people can take to improve their gut health and overall immunity.


With the knowledge Hazan gained from studying the microbiomes of COVID-19 patients, she developed and patented treatment protocols combining vitamins and drugs that increase bifidobacteria including vitamin C, vitamin D, hydroxychloroquine, and ivermectin.


We also discuss how the COVID-19 vaccines impact the microbiome, including the microbiomes of babies breastfeeding from recently vaccinated mothers.

Click to see article

At vaxxinjured.net we offer a solution. It is our weekly support group that provides you with hope. There is a small fee. However, if you are financially strapped, let us know and we will make appropriate adjustments.


Vaccine Injured Support

Dr. Thomas Lewis

Dr. Thomas Lewis

Dr. Thomas J. Lewis holds a Ph.D. from MIT and certifications in toxicology and nutrition from the Harvard School of Public Health. He obtained the majority of his training in health from Harvard Medical School professors Kilmer S. McCully, M.D., and Clement L. Trempe., M.D.
https://spikeinjured.com/microbiome/feed/ 0