I authored a peer-reviewed paper at the beginning of the COVID outbreak which was published in May of 2020. The key thesis of this paper was (and continues to be) that SARS / COVID / Spike drive inflammation and severely worsen co-morbidities in many cases.
With respect to the jab, the variations may be due to the lot you received.
The image below is a summary of our thesis. Click on the image for a link to that paper.
The thesis is, most major comorbidities have undetected pathogens (bacterial, viral, or others) associated with them. The spike, in any form, exacerbates any harm these infections are silently causing.
Below is a brief video excerpt from www.thehighwire.com
(click the image of Del & Dr. Bartlett below for the 2 minute video excerpt)
The focus is on using Biaxin (clarithromycin) by Dr. Richard Bartlett as a treatment for lung infections. This was used in conjunction with budesonide to save lives and prevent the need for ventilators.
In many vaccine-injured and long-haul covid sufferers, Biaxin may see the continued value. It is an antibiotic but has anti-inflammatory properties and lowers many cytokines associated with COVID, long-haul, and possibly the spike protein.
My partner at Harvard Medical School, Clement L. Trempe, and I wrote a patent on using Biaxin and tetracyclines to treat a wide range of stealth infections, including Lyme disease and chlamydia pneumoniae.
Here is the link to that patent for those interested in a deeper dive into the treatment modes of action.
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