
Apprehensive about Shedding?

Remove Doubts Through Testing

Obtain a comprehensive lab panel that includes the biomarkers known to be associated with adverse outcomes from the jab and the spike protein.

This is designed to be a low-cost screening program. You will get:

  • 80 biomarker panel including key markers like D-Dimer and Troponin T.
  • A detailed color-coded report that includes a key to reference ranges that are science-based.
  • Original LabCorp report.

If one or more biomarkers is in a range of concern you will want to seek advice on how to improve your odds by optimizing the biomarker.

  • You can get a consult with a doctor of your choice and present that lab data to that provider.
  • Hire one of our providers to review and interpret the lab data and suggestions on how to improve that value(s) by improving your health. You can work with one of our practitioners by going to the “Help!” tab and click on the “Health Consultations” sub-tab.

We are experienced at reversing injuries and diseases.

Our team has published books, videos, blogs, and medical papers that explain our programs and results.

The titles of our key papers are:

The Cytokine Storm and Pre-Cytokine Storm Status in COVID-19-A Model for Managing Population Risk for Pandemics and Chronic Diseases
 Reduction in Chronic Disease Risk and Burden in a 70-Individual Cohort Through Modification of Health Behaviors 
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